Fathom-Lord Karathress
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This fight is nothing more than a Healer Gear-Check
Every time an add dies, Karathress gains a new ability.
When Sharkkis the Hunter dies, Karathress will gain "The Beast Within". This ability buffs his melee DPS.
When Tidalvess the Shaman dies, Karathress will gain "Spitfire Totem". This totem, which was previously placed by the shaman, is now placed by the boss himself. **DEALS THE MOST SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE**
When Caribdis the Priest dies, Karathress will gain "Tidal Surge". It is the exact same ability Caribdis has.
***Healers should keep the whole raid above 50% HP at all times, otherwise they can be one-shotted by Karathress' Shadow Bolt ability. Bandages and consumables should be used by DPS classes to aid in keeping their own health up.
Tidalvess must die quickly, remind me to develop a Heroism rotation.
****BRING BANDAGES AND HEALTH POTS. HEAL YOURSELVES. BRING GEAR TO INCREASE HP.(Better to take a longer time and place less stress on the healers than to stress the healers into quitting.

Stage 1: Seperating Adds

Same ol' deal. Divide and conquer. Each target has its own abilities, melee always attacks from behind, tank always tanks, healers heal, range does ranged dps.

Pull movement.

Tank Assignments in Kill Order

After the pull.

Tanked by a Feral Druid. Either Acylin or Canyon. Key to note that he will spawn a pet, if its elemental we'll have a warlock banish, otherwise the tank will have to dual tank both.
Tanked by a warrior or feral druid. This is the one mob that must be MD pulled. Drops the "Spitfire Totem" all ranged dps will have a macro to dps this and that will be their sole responsibility. Possibly build a macro that has a "if no target" line so you can maintain dps on Tidalvess. 1 Healer will break off from the Sharkkis fight to heal Lande on Karathress.
Tanked by a Warrior and Rogue/Sham. All heals MUST be interupted. By this point I plan to have both resto shams, a pally, and a resto druid here with all other healers assisting on Lande. Rest of the raid will be taking massive damage from Water Bolt Volley.


Tanked by Lande Bear. He'll be in the starting position till after Tidalvess dies. When the 2nd add dies he'll learn the Spite Fire totem so Lande will kite him around the upper platform from the Sharkkis point to the starting Karathress point. Kiting path to avoid Spite Fire Totem while raid kills Caribdis.
when all adds are down there are 2 things that can happen. If we have a lot of time before enrange, we'll burn Spite Fire Totems when the pop, if we're hurting for time, we'll focus fire the DPS on Karathress